Do you agree or disagree?-Support Black and Brown Artists
Peace CB readers:
I'm writing this to let you know that almost all of the folks on the top friends list have artwork in the form of Comic books, Zines, children's books, graphic novels, paintings, books, clothing, etc to sell.If you dont see aanything for sale, ask them!
If you like what you see on Come Bien please "be aware" of how you shop for gifts for people or for yourself and AND where you're money goes. Who is it supporting? Do they share my interests or are they out to make money off of my culture? Its simple: if you want Black and brown folks to be able to produce beautiful artwork you have to support them. Keep the MONEY (and the power) in our community by supporting each other. If you don't, we are forced to go begging for big publishers and companies( Who don't give a %$@ about the lives, the minds, the health, or the well-being of our children) for handouts. Help us become more independent, so we can get off the grid of America. Land of the slave.
The power of ROLE MODELS:
One of the main reasons why I started this movement(and its picking up pace erryday) is because I feel like Indigenous-Native, African American-Black, Latin@-Hispanic-Raza, Asians, South east Asians, and all people of color from the African diaspora do not have enough role models in the fields of Illustration and creative writing. I (and the contributors) actively look for dope writers and artists of color because we have seen what the lack of creative influence can do to our children, families, comrades, fellow artists, and friends. We end up trying to be someone else!!!! And then we lose our culture, or it is stolen from us to make a buck, then twisted and sold back to us. Just look at the state of mainstream Hip Hop for the past decade.
So I repeat, its not to exclude European Americans, Anglos. You're likeness/ and thoughts is already in an overwhelming amount of the films, comics, children's , films, books, and games that are coming out. Everywhere! All the Time. I have to search like and archeologist for books that reflect my values in ART, LIFESTYLE, BELIEF, CULTURE,ETC. That is a problem. The problem is the undeniable factor of Racism that still exists today which is related to Capitalism, Sexism, AND Imperialism.
The way we are kept down is by keeping us dumb, by stifling our creativity-and frankly I'm not having that shit!!!!
Also, if you must go to a mainstream store (which we all do), please support Black and Brown artists by buying children's books, comics, films, whatever that reflect youre culture!
So, POC (people of color) you better be with me on this, white folks if youre still reading-please ride with us. In the grand scheme of things-we ALL must work together to put a stop to all those isms and start to create the kind of world that we all dream of for our children. ANYONE can submit ART/ Writing-just make sure you know who we're focusing on and who were trying to inspire. If you think I'm wrong, great-hit me up ( i read all the emails and comments) and we can debate about it. I love good conversation. If you agree-lets link up and do this right.
From Oakland to Brooklyn, and hella other places soon.
This is the Creator of "Come Bien" Books and one of the Co-Founders of the Trust Your Struggle Collective getting some thoughts off my chest! And that's "what it do"!!!
TYS Collective
"Come Bien" Books
As my students from East Oakland used to say "WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Peep the latest work by one of the most talented Muralistas I've ever seen "Ms. YOSHI" and also, the first poem to ever grace our pages is up by the soon to be famous "LeConte Dill". If you are nto on myspace. Tell you family and friends about
http://comebienbooks. blogspot. com
Look out for some new work coming from poets Tina Bartolome, Sophie, and Khristia, videographer/artist Taishi Duchicela, and illustrations from EL Borish!