
NICARAGUA-illustrated & written by Alejandra Perez, Layout by Joy Liu

NEW SECTION: And its called "In the Wind", heres the first edition. Its about poc (people of color) and their travels. Thoughts? Hit us up, or hit up the collaborators and let them know what you think.

Ive been choppin' it up with several world travelers for a minute now about doing something about their experiences. Peep what the extremely talented Alejandra Perez brings to you, and give it up for Joy Liu, because she put it down, its going to get even better as more young and adventurous folks write about where they have traveled. OG sistas and brothas, please share this with youre younger siblings, cousins, etc.Don't we need to get the $#@% out of our barrios, hoods, blocks, cities, etc and travel though? Agree or disagree?

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